Embrace Grace
See Miracles happen, two at a time!
The vision and mission of Embrace Grace here at Trailhead is to love and encourage single + pregnant women in our community.
We offer these women practical, emotional and spiritual support, giving them the tools they need to change generations for eternity.
Embrace Grace (for single + pregnant moms) is a great place to get involved in ministry within Trailhead Christian Church and to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. Moms need to know they are loved, valuable, and supported. That’s where we come in!
Through our message of love, we are helping women see that they can have their baby and their dreams too! Being pro-life is a stance, a belief system, a vote - and it’s important. But being pro-love is an action, the boots on the ground, the hands and feet of Jesus, the Church.
Pray fervently for how God would get you involved in this group.
Is He calling you to be a co-leader or be involved on Monday nights?
Is He calling you to be a part of our prayer team to pray fervently for these precious moms & babies?
Is He calling you to prepare meals to nourish their bodies?
Is He calling you to provide transportation to meet practical needs?
Is He calling you to shower them with love & gifts?